LifestyleMeteor lights up Balkans sky in stunning show

Meteor lights up Balkans sky in stunning show

A meteor flew over parts of the Balkans during the night from Sunday to Monday (25-26 August this year). The object was visible from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia.

The name "meteor" comes from the Greek language and means "suspended in the air" (illustrative photo)
The name "meteor" comes from the Greek language and means "suspended in the air" (illustrative photo)
Images source: © Licensor | 2024 Anadolu

According to N1 television, the meteor that appeared over the Balkans completely burned up in the atmosphere.

"Fireball" in the European sky

Many recordings and photos of the meteor flight were posted on social media. The meteor flight could be seen from almost every part of Serbia, some regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia.

The astronomy association Eureka wrote on its Instagram account that the meteor "was a large object with a brightness resembling a fireball". "What an amazing scene!" - was added under the post published on the profile. The recorded meteor was captured over the Serbian village of Majdevo, near the city of Krusevac.

"It flew very slowly because it was entering the atmosphere at a sharp angle. Don't worry, it completely burned up in the atmosphere. The appearance of a meteor is not that rare," said the Eureka association. They added that the phenomenon's appearance might sometimes be accompanied by characteristic sounds - crackling caused by the burning.

"It was terrifying and magical at the same time", "It was amazing, as seen over Pancevo too", and "The most beautiful thing I have seen recently" - commented internet users.

What is a meteor?

A meteor is a glowing trail left behind by a meteoroid (rock fragment) entering the dense layers of the atmosphere. The trail occurs due to the glowing substances evaporating from the object's surface and the heated, ionised atmospheric gases along its path.

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