EntertainmentModern love: Four lives intertwined through polyamory

Modern love: Four lives intertwined through polyamory

They met online, and sparks flew instantly. A group of friends decided to try living in a polyamorous relationship.

He has three girls, they live in a quadrangle. People say he brainwashed them.
He has three girls, they live in a quadrangle. People say he brainwashed them.
Images source: © Instagram

People’s approaches to relationships are very different and change over time. Arranged marriages, where financial status or belonging to a particular social group were strong constraints, have faded into oblivion in our cultural circle. On the other hand, the pillar of marriage remains – we naturally strive for partnership and often cannot understand why someone would choose a different lifestyle. Not committing to relationships, one-night stands, maintaining friendly relationships with benefits: people quickly pass harsh judgments on those who have chosen their path.

Romantic relationships with more than two people, open relationships: all of this happens. Some work out, others don’t – just like in a standard relationship. Polyamory is often classified as a form of sexual identity. It is also worth noting that, unlike some branches of polygamy, her feelings, openness, and honesty are important. The sexual aspect follows love and not the other way around.

Four friends shared in the podcast "Love Don't Judge" how their relationship turned into a passionate romance when they moved in under one roof. They say they are pleased together.

They have been living together for two years. They live in a polyamorous relationship

Raymond, Tiffani, Hammy, and Jiselle met on Twitch – a platform that allows live streaming, including games. Tiffani revealed that she was excited every time they "met" online. Eventually, they moved in together, and although each had a separate bedroom, they "migrated" between their beds. Raymond admitted that if they have a "big sleepover," they usually sleep at his place. The girls gave him the original nickname – "daddy".

Raymond, Tiffani, Hammy, and Jiselle decided to live together in 2022 and have thrived since then. What started as a group of friends gaming together has become a fully-fledged four-person relationship.

"People will assume that us three aren't happy somehow and we are just here for him. They assume that women in poly relationships just don't have their own free will," says Hammy. She emphasizes that their relationship includes four people and that Raymond's desires are not the top priority.

Internet users do not believe in their love. Polyamorists do not have it easy

The lovers admit that their relationship is not free from jealousy. They add that it is not about sexual jealousy but emotional jealousy. For this reason, conflicts arose among them regarding engagement, spending time together, or simply closeness and time for each other. Despite this, Raymond, Tiffani, Hammy, and Jiselle overcome these difficulties – much worse than minor quarrels are dealing with daily hatred on the internet.

He has three girls, they live in a quadrangle. People say he brainwashed them.
He has three girls, they live in a quadrangle. People say he brainwashed them.© Instagram

They opened up with painful honesty, talking about the hurtful comments they receive. Internet users tell them that they won’t get a place in heaven and that they disgrace people. Commentators also enjoy speculating that four of them are together "only poly for the financial benefits."

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