LifestyleMorning mistakes: Simple steps for a refreshing start

Morning mistakes: Simple steps for a refreshing start

The way we start our day is extremely important. The morning can impact our energy and mood for the next few hours. Unfortunately, many people make morning mistakes that leave them feeling unwell later.

Habits to Get Rid of in the Morning
Habits to Get Rid of in the Morning
Images source: © Adobe Stock
Agnieszka Woźniak

For many of us, the morning involves sleepiness, rushing, and a lack of energy. Even after getting eight hours of sleep, we often wake up tired and yearn for more rest.

Is there a way to wake up with more energy and a better attitude? Doctors and specialists have a few simple but effective tips.

Avoid hitting the snooze button – it's a trap

One of our biggest mistakes is hitting the snooze button to sleep for a few more minutes. While tempting, it can harm our bodies and disrupt the day's rhythm.

According to Timothy Morgenthaler, those "extra minutes" can make us even more tired after waking up. Short naps do not allow us to go through a full sleep cycle, leading to waking up in a deep sleep phase, which makes us feel groggy instead of refreshed.

Coffee right after waking up? Not necessarily!

Another morning habit that doesn’t necessarily boost energy is reaching for coffee when you get out of bed. Although many people count on an instant energy boost, studies show that coffee consumed too early can have the opposite effect.

Cortisol levels — the stress hormone responsible for naturally waking up the body — are high in the morning, and additional caffeine stimulation can only intensify the feeling of tiredness. When cortisol levels drop, it's best to plan for coffee later, around 10:00 AM GMT.

Water, light, and breakfast

The morning is the perfect time to meet the body's natural needs. One of the first steps after waking up should be to open the windows and let daylight into the room. Sunlight increases serotonin production, which in turn improves mood and motivates action.

The next important step is to hydrate the body. After a whole night without fluids, our body needs water to function properly again. Drinking a glass of water immediately after waking up can help improve metabolism and increase energy.

Let's not forget about eating! Often, we skip breakfast due to lack of time or appetite, leading to decreased energy throughout the day. Experts advise having the first meal within 30 minutes of waking up. A healthy, balanced breakfast provides the body with the necessary nutrients and supports metabolism, helping us function better for the rest of the day.

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