Natural solutions to combat under-eye wrinkles without botox
Wrinkles are the bane of many women who are constantly battling them. Those under the eyes can appear significantly earlier. Before deciding to resort to aesthetic medicine, it's worth attempting to smooth them naturally. Discover what could be an alternative to Botox.
Where do wrinkles under the eyes come from?
Wrinkles under the eyes emerge as the skin ages. It is a natural process during which we lose elastin and collagen. Unfortunately, we cannot prevent this, but we can support ourselves by using products that will smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate our complexion. However, those that appear much earlier, even before the age of 30, may be related to micro-ageing, which means expression lines. These primarily appear due to excessive muscle movements. Often, the emotions readable from our face, such as surprise, joy, or sadness, partly cause them.
The well-known "crow’s feet" under the eyes can also result from too frequent exposure to UV radiation without using protection. Sadly, tanning beds and sunlight cause changes in the structure and elasticity of our skin. Water loss, an improper diet, or stimulants, especially cigarettes, which significantly damage the complexion and also exacerbate wrinkles.
A homemade remedy for wrinkles under the eyes
Expensive cosmetics and treatments do not always have to be the only solution. There are natural methods for tackling unwanted wrinkles, which can help smooth them out. A particularly effective remedy for the area around the eyes is a homemade mixture that can firm and tighten the skin.
Simply separate the egg white and add a tablespoon of milk and half a teaspoon of honey. This mixture should be thoroughly combined and applied under the eyes for about 20 minutes. After this time, ensure everything is washed off thoroughly with water. Once the mixture has been absorbed, you can proceed with your skincare routine.