NewsNew EU Commission lineup approved; von der Leyen stays on top

New EU Commission lineup approved; von der Leyen stays on top

The European Parliament has approved the composition of the new European Commission. A total of 370 Members of the European Parliament voted in favour of its appointment in the proposed composition, 282 voted against, and 36 abstained.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks in front of the Commissioners-designate members during a debate on 'Presentation by the Commission President-elect of the College of Commissioners and its programme' at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 27 November 2024. The EU Parliament's session runs from 25 till 28 November 2024. EPA/RONALD WITTEK Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks in front of the Commissioners-designate members during a debate on 'Presentation by the Commission President-elect of the College of Commissioners and its programme' at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 27 November 2024. The EU Parliament's session runs from 25 till 28 November 2024. EPA/RONALD WITTEK Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Images source: © PAP | PAP/EPA/RONALD WITTEK
Violetta Baran

Wednesday's vote concludes the process of forming the new college in the European Parliament, whose composition was renewed following the European elections in June.

The next step requires the new European Commission to be accepted by the European Council, comprising the heads of state and government. A qualified majority is necessary, meaning that 15 countries must vote in favour—this is expected to be a formality.

It is anticipated that the new European Commission will be able to start its work on 1st December.

Ursula von der Leyen will once again head the European Commission. She was nominated for a second term by the heads of state and government of EU member countries, and the European Parliament decided on her election in a secret ballot in July this year.

Candidates for commissioners were proposed by member states. Based on the suggested names, the President of the Commission—after she herself was approved by the European Parliament—assembled the new commission's lineup.

All candidates appeared in the first half of November before the European Parliament committees, where they had to demonstrate their knowledge of the areas they are to oversee.

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