LifestyleNurturing blooms: Homemade tea trick for a thriving Christmas cactus

Nurturing blooms: Homemade tea trick for a thriving Christmas cactus

When other plants have long since bloomed, the Christmas cactus amazes us with its breathtaking flowers. However, before this occurs, it needs the right conditions. A homemade fertiliser from what we have in our own kitchen can help.

Homemade fertiliser for Christmas cactus
Homemade fertiliser for Christmas cactus
Images source: © Adobe Stock

The Christmas cactus, also known as the holiday cactus, is a plant that draws attention during the winter period with its impressive flowers. How can we take care of it properly? It's very simple.

How to take care of the Christmas cactus?

The Christmas cactus captivates with its appearance for good reason. After all, it blooms in winter, so when it’s grey and gloomy outside, it beautifully decorates our homes. It's worth knowing that this plant doesn’t like areas with direct sunlight.

The temperature of the room it’s in is also significant. The Christmas cactus feels best when the temperature fluctuates between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius.

During the blooming period of the plant, avoid moving it, as it may lose its buds. It’s important to ensure that the soil in which it grows isn’t too dry or overwatered. However, regular watering is essential.

Homemade fertiliser for the Christmas cactus

It’s important to be aware that besides the right conditions, the Christmas cactus also needs essential nutrients for proper growth. Thanks to these nutrients, it will captivate us with its lush blooms. Before going to the shop for special fertilisers, it’s worth trying a simple and cheap homemade solution.

For this, we can use black tea. Simply brew it as usual, and then dilute it in a 1:1 ratio with water. Once it cools down, water the plant as usual. Apply the homemade fertiliser to the Christmas cactus once a week.

Not everyone knows that in this case, tea provides the Christmas cactus with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and even tannins, which can significantly impact its condition.

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