LifestyleOptical illusions on TikTok reflect your personality: An in-depth look at Mia Yilin's social experiment

Optical illusions on TikTok reflect your personality: An in‑depth look at Mia Yilin's social experiment

Nearly 460,000 people follow the TikTok profile of Mia Yilin, who posts videos featuring optical illusions on social media. These illusions aim to reveal certain character traits and aspects of an individual's personality. Your response hinges upon one thing - the first thought and answer to the simple question, "What do you see in the picture?"

What do you see in the picture?
What do you see in the picture?
Images source: © AKPA

What is your perception of the image?

Engaging with optical illusions can indeed cause your head to spin. A multitude of viewers, who have spectated the illusions in Mia Yilin's TikTok videos, assert that these clips unveil profound truths about one's self. If you're curious to discover if they will do the same for you, take a gander at the image and state what you perceive.

If, upon scrutinising the image, you saw a tree or a woman gathering apples, this suggests that you are a person of honesty and trust. You're known for keeping your word, which is why you have an array of true friends. You are also intelligent, with many individuals turning to you for advice and solutions during challenging situations.

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The initial impression matters

If your initial perception was not of a tree or a woman picking apples, it is likely that you saw an enigmatic face. Some TikTok users equate this face with Leonardo da Vinci's renowned artwork, the Mona Lisa. If she was the first image that materialised to you, you demonstrate attributes of a person with well-defined goals and exhibit diligence working towards them. You approach everything you do with fervour and dedication, evolving your life into the dream you envision.

According to Mia Yilin, it's time you received your accolades. From her video, she anticipates that the upcoming month will present delightful experiences. So, look forward to wonderful things happening.

See also: What do you see first? Your response reveals your diagnosis

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