Pets at play: Asian cafes cash in on canine companions
Dog-friendly restaurants and cafes in several Asian tourist destinations are becoming increasingly popular. The business is thriving to such an extent that pet owners are sending their pets to "work" to earn their treats by playing with tourists.
According to CNN, cafes and restaurants featuring animals are a booming business in China, South Korea, Japan, and Thailand. In addition to dogs, you can also find cats, parrots, capybaras, and rabbits in these venues.
An attraction for tourists
Small and cute animals make the time spent by restaurant customers, mostly tourists, more enjoyable. They wander freely through the restaurants, allowing travellers to interact with them. Interestingly, these establishments often charge higher service prices than local venues of similar standards. Despite this, plenty of guests enjoy spending time with the animals.
As CNN reports, restaurants in China and Thailand are even hiring dogs. For playing with guests, the dogs, or rather their owners, receive payments.
Dogs work for themselves
"In my opinion, it’s like parents sending children to school or work," says a 27-year-old owner of a two-year-old Samoyed who works part-time in a dog cafe in Fuzhou, China. "Sending a dog to a cafe is beneficial for both sides. He can play with other dogs and doesn’t feel lonely. We don’t have to leave him at home, and we earn some money," she said, as CNN quoted.
The dog owner explains that her pet had to undergo a kind of job interview. "The cafe owner observed him for about an hour to see if he interacts well with customers and gets along with the other four dogs," the woman said. She added that the meeting concluded with the dog being hired at the cafe.