LifestylePlane drama: Mother in tears over seat-swap refusal

Plane drama: Mother in tears over seat-swap refusal

Such situations are not uncommon. A parent, seated separately from their child, often attempts to reorganise the seating to sit next to their son or daughter. However, these seat-swapping attempts frequently stir considerable controversy. This time, it was somewhat different.

The woman wanted to change her seat on the plane to sit next to her son.
The woman wanted to change her seat on the plane to sit next to her son.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Matej Kastelic
Katarzyna Wośko

A certain mother burst into tears when a passenger refused to swap seats on the plane, preventing her from sitting with her nine-year-old son. The entire situation was described on a Reddit forum, where the traveller who was asked to exchange seats inquired online whether she was heartless for "making a seat swapper cry."

The mother asked to swap seats

The woman explained that after taking her seat in Economy Plus, a mother approached her asking to switch to seat 32B so she could sit with her son. "I ask how much cash she has to repay me for the money I spent on the seat," the netizen recounted the incident.

The mother immediately replied that the passenger asking this question was cruel because it put her son, who suffers from anxiety, in a position where he had to fly alone, away from his mother.

When the passenger asked if the mother had offered a swap to the person sitting next to her son, she replied no because "she needed the legroom" in Economy Plus. In response, the netizen stated: "I said clearly she cares more about her own comfort than her son’s well-being." This comment made the mother cry.

Ten minutes later, the mother was no longer in her Economy Plus seat. The passenger observed that a man sat next to her, clearly pleased with the change to a more comfortable seat.

Attacked by the distressed mother's partner

After the flight, the travelling partner accused the netizen of publicly questioning the mother’s parenting and making her cry. In comments on Reddit, the woman explained that when she booked her seat, the mother’s seat was already taken, so she booked hers first. "Didn’t look like poor planning, looked like she only wanted to pay for one premium seat and wanted to guilt me into giving up my seat," she explained.

The Reddit post quickly gained popularity, garnering over 21,000 likes. Many netizens criticised the mother for not purchasing seats next to each other earlier on the plane. "She’s in the wrong for one - not being able to plan and book ahead of time so her son isn’t left alone two - not being able to put aside her comfort ahead of her ‘precious son’ and three - thinking that anyone owes her anything for being a poor planner," one person wrote.

"Her tears don’t change the fact that she prioritized comfort over her son’s needs. That’s on her," added another commenter. Another user stated: "Whenever ANYONE is asking to swap seats, it’s ALWAYS for a better one and they always throw a fit like this to try and get what they want when told no. People like this should be removed from the plane."

As the "Independent" notes, this is not the first time passenger stories from planes have gone viral. Last month, a traveller in a middle seat shared her "female rage" when two men on either side of her spread their legs so much that she was squeezed. "Why would anyone EVER need that much room??? I tried to get him to move but he wouldn’t," she wrote in the description of her video.

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