Planning vacations in Croatia? We have price breakdowns on products that you may find essential
Many tourists, while vacationing in Croatia, choose to cater for themselves. We checked the prices of essential products for 2024.
Prices are one of the topics that most interest tourists. We checked how much you must pay for essential products in their favourite country, such as bread, water, vegetables, fruit, or toilet paper.
Bread in Croatia
The bread prices in one of the Croatian markets in Zadar are not particularly high. For a bread roll, like a Kaiser roll, you have to pay 0.16 euros, just under 70 pence.
Bottle of water
Apart from the bread, tourists are most interested in the water. A 1.5-pint bottle costs just under a pound.
Cheeses in a Croatian market
The prices of cheeses are varied. They depend, among other things, on the brand. For example, you must pay between 11 and 28 British pounds (£) per kg for sliced cheese. Packages usually contain 100 or 150 grams. More expensive are, for example, processed cheeses.
How much do the cold cuts cost?
The prices of cold cuts also vary. A 200 g (7 oz) pack costs as little as 1.39 euros (£1.19), but much more expensive types are also available.
Vegetable prices in Croatia
As you can see, vegetable prices in Croatia are not exorbitant. Additionally, you can often find them on sale.
Fruit in the market in Zadar
The strawberry season is in full swing. We present how much you have to pay for these fruits in Croatia. It's worth noting that prices are not given per kilogram but per 500 or 900 grams.
Prices of toilet paper
Hygiene products can also have different prices. A typical toilet paper package costs 1.35 euros (£1.17).