TechPlastic bottle hack revolutionises laundry drying time

Plastic bottle hack revolutionises laundry drying time

Want to make your laundry dry faster than before? We're presenting you with a simple plastic bottle method – the results might surprise you! Just a few quick steps, and you're done.

How do plastic bottles speed up drying laundry?
How do plastic bottles speed up drying laundry?
Images source: © Pexels | Anna Shvets

Laundry, drying, and folding are never-ending tasks, but knowing the right tricks can speed them up significantly. Today, we'll show you how to easily use a plastic bottle on the clothes horse, which often raises disbelief but turns out to be incredibly effective. Home clothes horses can sometimes become overloaded due to too many clothes, which hinders airflow between fabrics and significantly slows down drying. Many people wash as many clothes as possible at once, which leads to problems with drying. A plastic bottle can be a lifesaver in such situations.

Modifying the clothes horse - what to do?

Most people don't know how to properly use a bottle on a clothes horse. It's incredibly simple! Just cut off both ends of the bottle, then cut it lengthwise on one side. This prepared bottle can be easily placed on the bars of the clothes horse, especially those on the outside. Then hang a wet towel or other fabric on it. This way, the material is more spread out, which enhances air access and speeds up drying.

Why is this a good solution?

Laundry needs proper space, and this way, moisture will evaporate more quickly. A greater airflow will significantly impact the drying time of the laundry. Laundry hung too closely takes much longer to dry because moisture has nowhere to evaporate. It is recommended to first hang wet clothes on hangers and only then on the clothes horse.

An additional advantage of this solution is that clothes crease less. It's also advisable to ensure a draft in the room, which will aid air circulation between the clothes. Remember that wet garments are prone to quick mildew growth and may take on an unpleasant odour. Never store them for too long after washing in the machine, and don't place them in the wardrobe unless they are completely dry.

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