LifestylePreserving food freshness: rediscovering the cost-effective sealing method of our grandmothers

Preserving food freshness: rediscovering the cost-effective sealing method of our grandmothers

Sealing is equivalent to saving. After all, almost any package can be sealed, whether it contains food, spices, or semi-finished products. Sealing helps to maintain the crispness, freshness of items, or just allows for leftover meals to be frozen without the risk of spilling in the freezer. Despite being useful, sealers are not exactly inexpensive devices and quite honestly — they are not largely perceived as a product of primary need. But there is another smart method that works similarly to a sealer. Our grandmothers used it.

Stale crisps are a nightmare for many of us. This can be prevented.
Stale crisps are a nightmare for many of us. This can be prevented.
Images source: © Unsplash | Esperanza Doronila

Homemade sealer: use it once and you'll never stop

As the old saying goes, necessity breeds invention. Our grandmothers were adept at turning seemingly nothing into something valuable. This was indeed the case with grandma's sealer. During times when every commodity was precious, people did everything they could to avoid waste. Content quality would deteriorate due to air exposure in plastic packaging which had been in production use for numerous years.

Our grandmothers came up with a home-made sealer that remains effective to this day. Want to know how to seal like grandma did? All you need are two items: toilet paper and an iron. Simply place the paper on the top edge of the foil package, then run the warmed-up iron over the paper. This heat application seals the plastic, enabling longer preservation of the food in the package. This method works best for items like potato chips, peanuts, gummies or chocolate.

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