NewsPutin extends invitation to Trump for Victory Day in Moscow

Putin extends invitation to Trump for Victory Day in Moscow

On 9 May, the central celebrations marking the 80th anniversary of the Soviet Union's victory in the Great Patriotic War will be held in Moscow. The Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, announced that Vladimir Putin would be pleased to welcome world leaders, including the US President, Donald Trump.

Putin would like to see world leaders in Moscow
Putin would like to see world leaders in Moscow
Justyna Lasota-Krawczyk

Many of the details provided by Russian media or government representatives are elements of propaganda. Such reports are part of the information war conducted by the Russian Federation.

- This day symbolizes the defeat of Nazism. And unfortunately, this topic is currently more relevant than ever. So if some countries, particularly major ones, decide to share in the joy of this victory with us and celebrate this day with us, we - and especially President Putin - will be pleased to welcome them in Moscow, assured Peskov, as quoted by pro-Kremlin media.

When asked if the head of state would be open to the presence of the US leader, Peskov replied: "Of course".

He emphasised that this day holds special significance in the context of the current tense geopolitical climate and the challenges facing Europe and the entire world.

The Victory Day celebrations in Russia are among the most important state events, commemorating the end of World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Source: TASS

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