LifestyleRainbow ham: Is the colourful sheen safe to eat?

Rainbow ham: Is the colourful sheen safe to eat?

Sliced cold cuts are one of our favourite sandwich toppings. However, we often wonder whether they are fresh when exhibiting that rainbow-coloured sheen. Discover whether you can safely eat such ham or if it's best to discard it.

Ham with a "rainbow" sheen.
Ham with a "rainbow" sheen.
Images source: © Getty Images | Challlenger

Rainbow sheen on cold cuts

Many of us are puzzled by the colourful sheen on the ham that resembles a rainbow. This phenomenon raises concerns about whether it should be consumed or discarded. Some suggest it's due to chemicals, others believe the cold cut has spoiled, while others don't pay attention to it.

The colourful slices result from changes in the structure of the meat caused by the movement of fibres and light reflecting off its surface. The refracted light creates the characteristic "rainbow" effect on the cold cut. Therefore, it is not a sign of spoilage, and we can eat it without major concerns.

When is a cold cut unfit for consumption?

After purchasing or opening ham, we often question how long it remains safe to eat. Unfortunately, the use-by date isn't always a reliable guide, so we must assess its condition ourselves. It's important to consider the quality and appearance of the ham from the moment of purchase, as these factors can indicate its freshness.

The first indication that the product is unfit for consumption is its smell. An unpleasant, sour, or rotten odour suggests the ham should not be eaten. Other warning signs include stickiness and a colour change. If the ham has turned from a light pink to grey or green, it's likely past its prime. Mould is an unequivocal sign that the cold cut should be discarded entirely, as consuming even a small amount can result in unpleasant health consequences.

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