Research reveals optimal breakfast time for weight loss benefits
For a long time, information has appeared stating that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day - nutritionists emphasize this practically at every turn. What is the best time to eat breakfast? Researchers have identified the optimal time.
Some people eat their first meal only around noon. Nutritionists condemn such practices, clearly emphasizing that this is a huge mistake. The body needs a solid dose of energy early on to start functioning well.
The timing of the meal is also very important. The most essential rule is that breakfast should be consumed no later than an hour after waking up.
Scientists from the University of Murcia in Spain have found that breakfast is best eaten at approximately 7:11 AM GMT. The study primarily considered the benefits associated with losing excess weight.
What about the other meals? Researchers believe lunch is best eaten around 12:38 PM GMT, and sitting down for dinner around 6:14 PM GMT is optimal.