FoodRevolutionising snack time: New delightful pasty recipe with horseradish cream cheese and smoked ham

Revolutionising snack time: New delightful pasty recipe with horseradish cream cheese and smoked ham

Unexpected guests dropping by, or perhaps you have friends coming over, and you're out of snack ideas? I'm here with a solution.

Just looking at it can make you instantly hungry.
Just looking at it can make you instantly hungry.
Images source: © Licensor | Pyszności

The winning combination here is the classic puff pastry married with top-notch ingredients that'll even win over the fussiest eaters. The vibrant filling consists of horseradish cream cheese, green pepper, smoked ham, red onion, garlic, and aromatic spices.



  • Approximately 298g of cream cheese with horseradish (rounded from 297.67g),
  • ½ a green pepper,
  • Approximately 198g of smoked ham (rounded from 198.45g),
  • 1 tablespoon of sweet paprika,
  • ½ a red onion,
  • Approximately 119g of grated Cheddar cheese (rounded from 119.07g),
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • Spices: salt and pepper.

Other ingredients:

  • 1 sheet of puff pastry,
  • 1 beaten egg,
  • Approximately 60ml of milk (rounded from 59.1471ml),
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds.
First, I make a creamy filling for the future snack.
First, I make a creamy filling for the future snack.© Licensor | Pyszności


I put the creamy mix on the French pastry.
I put the creamy mix on the French pastry.© Licensor | Pyszności
And the mini pastries are ready!
And the mini pastries are ready!© Licensor | Pyszności

Step 1. Begin this warm snack by preparing the creamy filling. Combine the cream cheese, cubed smoked ham, grated Cheddar, and finely chopped vegetables - red onion and green pepper.

I spread the beaten egg with a kitchen brush.
I spread the beaten egg with a kitchen brush.© Licensor | Pyszności
It's time to visit the bakery.
It's time to visit the bakery.© Licensor | Pyszności

Don't forget to add the peeled and crushed garlic clove and spices: sweet paprika, salt, and pepper. Thoroughly mix the ingredients to integrate them perfectly.

Real delicacies!
Real delicacies!© Licensor | Pyszności

Step 2. Lay out the puff pastry and spread the freshly-prepared filling upon it.

Step 3. Roll up the dough with the filling inside to form a tight roll, then cut this into smaller bite-sized bits.

Step 4. Move the prepared items to a baking tray. Brush each pastry with the beaten egg before baking for that golden-brown colour.

Step 5. Round it off by sprinkling the mini pasties with sesame seeds and pop them into a preheated oven for 20 minutes. The oven should be preheated to 200 degrees Celsius (rounded from 199.9998 degrees Celsius).

Step 6. Finally, serve the baked pasties with garnished parsley. And voila, enjoy!

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