TechRussian bomb bears critical message for Defence ministry

Russian bomb bears critical message for Defence ministry

Inscriptions on bombs dropped by both the Russians and Ukrainians are nothing new. Most often, these contain messages for enemies, names of the fallen, or references to various places and events. Another photo showing such a bomb has appeared online. It is somewhat unusual in that the inscription, created by the Russians, is not directed at Ukrainians but rather at the Russian leaders.

A message to the Russian authorities was found on the bomb.
A message to the Russian authorities was found on the bomb.
Images source: © X
Karolina Modzelewska

Russians fighting in Ukraine decided to use one of the OFAB-250 bombs to send a message to the Russian authorities, as reported by The Aviationist. They placed an inscription on it addressed to the Russian Ministry of Defence. It read: "Dear Ministry of Defence, I am a FAB from UMPK. Soon, I will fly to destroy the occupiers in the Kursk region. I am worried about my crew, which has not received a bonus for the anti-terrorist operation since August. Solve this! P.S. You can make mistakes, but you cannot lie."

The Russians sent a message to their authorities

It is worth noting that it is unknown when and where the inscription was made or who is responsible for it. Most likely, it was created by Russian soldiers from a unit equipped with OFAB-250 fragmentation bombs. It cannot be ruled out that the photo's online publication is part of the propaganda efforts of one of the parties involved in the conflict.

The OFAB-250 is a Soviet fragmentation bomb weighing 250 kilograms, designed to cause extensive damage near the impact point. These bombs are used to destroy ground targets, such as military infrastructure and attack personnel, playing an important role in the Russians' tactical and strategic operations. The cost of their production is considered relatively low while maintaining high effectiveness.

Bombs of this type are equipped with various types of warheads, ranging from classic fragmentation to penetration ones, which are used to destroy more resilient targets. They also have a simple yet proven detonation mechanism, which allows the bomb to be activated both during high-altitude drops and upon contact with the surface. This type of solution makes it usable in different operational conditions, adjusting the force and range of explosion to the specifics of the targeted area. The OFAB-250 bomb is an unguided weapon, meaning its accuracy depends on the experience of the aircraft crew and weather conditions.

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