Russian spy gains full case access before exchange. Ex‑officers alarmed
Russian spy Paweł Rubcow, before being released from Polish custody as part of a prisoner exchange with Russia, acquainted himself with the details of his case. The prosecution explains that this is the accused's procedure and right. Some intelligence experts believe this might have been a mistake.
He got to know everything that was collected against him in the Polish investigation. I believe the prosecution might have made a mistake, as some materials should have been excluded and classified, comments former Intelligence Agency officer Lt. Col. Marcin Faliński. He points out that media publications about this case do not contain significant details.
- Typically, the most valuable details and sources are hidden. For Rubcow, the details of his surveillance might have been important. It is difficult to assess how serious this mistake was because we do not know what exactly was disclosed to him and whether the prosecution, allowing access, knew about the plans for a spy exchange - adds Faliński.
Another source from the special services pointed out that after the investigation was closed and the indictment was filed, Paweł Rubcow would still have had access to his case files. He added that it is up to those handling the case to mask the threads about important sources in the spy's downfall.
Who gives case files to a spy? PiS targets the minister
It was reported on Thursday that Paweł Rubcow, a Russian spy operating in Poland as a journalist, managed to acquaint himself with his case files before being released from custody. His case was concluded with an indictment. On 31 July, Rubcow was handed over to Russia. The United States Services, which prepared the exchange of 24 individuals, requested this. "He left with a complete set of knowledge. There is a risk that he learned too much and passed it on to his handlers."
Politicians from the Law and Justice Party picked up the matter. MP Andrzej Śliwka called these reports an "unimaginable scandal." On portal X, he wrote that he demanded the resignation of the Minister of Justice.
- Providing case files to a suspect who is under temporary detention is a codified principle. There is no possibility to refuse access to the case files to a suspect for whom a detention request was filed - stated National Prosecutor's Office spokesperson Przemysław Nowak.
Who is Paweł Rubcow?
As we reported, Paweł Rubcow was detained in February 2022. Along with him, the authorities also caught a journalist who is a private partner of Gonzalez. The pair were building influence in the media environment - according to the publication by Frontstory. According to witnesses, Gonzalez claimed to work for Spanish media. His articles were sometimes aligned with Russian propaganda theories, significantly differing from what was presented in Poland.
The details of the spy's activities have not been made public. Previously, the prosecution denied journalists access to the indictment.