Russia's banana ban: a response to Ecuador's plans to transfer old weaponry to the U.S
The Kremlin's choice to curtail purchases of Ecuador's chief export is believed, according to media and politicians in this South American country, to be linked not only to the Ecuadorian Defence Ministry's plans to transfer Russian weapons to the US but also to the President Noboa's description of them as "scrap".
According to the Brazilian online journal "A Referencia", which specialises in geopolitical issues, Washington has plans to give the weaponry procured from Ecuador to the Ukrainian army fighting the Russian invasion.
Russian weaponry seen as a threat
The Quito-based newspaper "El Universo" has recently reminded readers that President Daniel Noboa argued that the outdated Russian equipment left in Ecuador is a threat, as the numerous criminal groups in the country could confiscate it.
In the interim, the Kremlin claimed that Quito had no right to ship Russian weapons to the US, as the arrangements with Ecuador regarding weapons supplies included a clause prohibiting third-party transfers.
Moscow retaliates
As stated on Monday during a media interview with Carlos Estarellas, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, the restrictions on banana purchases are Russia's "retaliation" for the Quito authorities' decisions.
Estrellas expressed hope that the Kremlin will soon rescind the ban for leading Ecuadorian banana exporters "following the diplomatic resolution of the crisis".
Bananas constitute the primary product sold by Ecuador to Russia. According to data from the Ecuadorian Federation of Exporters (Fedexpor), bananas valued at approximately £518 million were shipped there in 2023.
According to the federation's authorities, Russia's share in the total Ecuadorian export of goods is 5%. Other products most frequently imported from this South American country by Russian companies are coffee and shrimp.