LifestyleSeasonal care tips: Keeping your houseplants thriving

Seasonal care tips: Keeping your houseplants thriving

The autumn-winter months are challenging for plants, primarily due to the heating season, during which they lack access to sufficiently humid air and natural light. How can you support them during this period?

The autumn-winter months do not favour the condition of plants.
The autumn-winter months do not favour the condition of plants.
Images source: © Adobe Stock
Aleksandra Lewandowska

The heating season presents a significant challenge for houseplants and their carers. Dry air and raised temperatures can adversely affect their condition. So, how can you provide plants with optimal conditions during this difficult time?

How to care for potted plants during the heating season

The first factor to consider is air humidity. Intensive heating of homes dries the air, which negatively impacts plants. Most potted plants originate from tropical climate zones with much higher air humidity. Consider placing water containers on or next to radiators and near your plants or using humidifiers to increase humidity.

How to help your plants during the heating season

Another challenge is elevated temperatures. Plants positioned too near heat sources may suffer from high temperatures and sudden temperature changes. They should be kept away from radiators and heaters. The best solution is to find them a spot where the thermal conditions remain stable. Protective covers can be beneficial.

For many plants, limited access to natural light in winter is problematic. Supplementary lighting, such as LED lamps, can significantly improve the situation by providing light of appropriate intensity. Moving plants closer to windows is another way to provide them with more light, but they should not be placed directly on windowsills where they might be exposed to cold drafts.

Watering plants during the heating season is also essential and should be done judiciously to avoid overwatering. Keeping the leaves clean is important so the pores remain unclogged, allowing the plants to 'breathe'. It's also beneficial to bathe the plants once a week. Place the pots with plants in a bathtub and gently spray them with water.

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