NewsShein's children's clothing found to contain harmful chemicals in study

Shein's children's clothing found to contain harmful chemicals in study

The shopping platform Shein, originating from China, enjoys considerable popularity among European buyers. However, some of the clothing offered to children may cause allergies and even disrupt the hormonal balance in the youngest. Studies have shown that harmful substances were found in 10 out of 25 tested products.

children's clothing with hazardous composition
children's clothing with hazardous composition
Images source: © Pexels
Beata Bialik

Coats and rain jackets, children's swimwear, shoes, and shirts were found to be dangerous for the youngest in a study conducted by the consumer organization Test Achats.

The study showed that as many as 10 out of 25 tested garments contained toxic chemical substances in their composition, making them unsuitable for wearing and contact with children's skin.

What exactly did the tests conducted by the Belgian organization show? Nearly half of the tested garments contained at least one dangerous chemical substance.

Lead, nickel, and other substances that can cause allergies to delicate children's skin, which can affect the deregulation of the hormonal balance, are just some of the substances found in the composition of clothing sold on the Shein platform.

The study also found the presence of highly irritating dimethylformamides and quinoline in the composition of children's clothes for sale online.

In just one pair of shoes, there was five times more lead than allowed by European standards. The content of phthalate chemical compounds was also exceeded several hundred times.

How many users of the platform might have received the toxic children's clothing? According to April's data, the platform has more than 45 million active users in the EU alone.

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