FoodSilver sparkle: Easy home remedies for tarnished cutlery

Silver sparkle: Easy home remedies for tarnished cutlery

As the holidays approach, the work is in full swing, not just at the stove. Special tableware and cutlery, kept for special occasions, are brought out from the cupboard. It's worth ensuring they shine with cleanliness.

You can easily restore the shine to your cutlery.
You can easily restore the shine to your cutlery.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Lurs<Aqua

Maintaining holiday cutlery in pristine condition can be quite a challenge. Seldom used, they quickly accumulate dirt. How can you clean them so your guests can enjoy holiday meals without worries?

Home remedies can come to the rescue, quickly restoring their shine. With minimal effort and low cost, you can make them look like new.

How to clean cutlery?

Many of us have a set of cutlery reserved for special occasions. We bring them out a few times a year, for example, during Christmas. Although silver tableware is beautiful, it quickly gets tarnished.

Many of us have a set of cutlery reserved for special occasions. We bring them out a few times a year, for example, during Christmas. Although silver tableware is beautiful, it quickly gets tarnished. In such cases, reach for foil and salt from the kitchen drawer.

To start, place a piece of aluminium foil at the bottom of a bowl, add about 115 grams of iodised salt, and pour boiling water over it. Soak the cutlery in the solution for an hour. After that, rinse them with water and dry them. This method effectively removes tarnish due to the chemical reaction between silver and aluminium. When silver, aluminium foil, and baking soda are submerged in hot water, a process of electrolysis occurs. Simply put, electrons flow between the silver and aluminium foil, removing the dark tarnish covering the silver.

Homemade cleaning paste

If the cutlery is heavily soiled, prepare a special paste from lemon juice and baking soda. Spread it on the cutlery using a soft-bristle brush, wait 15 minutes, and then gently scrub them. Finally, thoroughly rinse off the paste and carefully wipe and polish them.

A similar effect can be achieved using toothpaste; however, it's important to ensure it's free of microbeads. Apply the toothpaste to a brush and polish the cutlery. After a few minutes, thoroughly rinse off the leftover paste and dry the cutlery.

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