Tips&TricksSipping through a straw: Mouth wrinkles and the rising trend of anti-wrinkle straws

Sipping through a straw: Mouth wrinkles and the rising trend of anti-wrinkle straws

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein in the human body. It is discernible in our skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and the cornea of our eyes. In fact, collagen is integral to maintaining our skin's firmness. Collagen production persists until we hit 25 and, subsequently, starts to decline. That's when you may start observing the initial indications of ageing.

Drinking through a straw deepens wrinkles.
Drinking through a straw deepens wrinkles.
Images source: © Getty Images | fotostudiocolor24

With the drop in collagen, compounded by habitual contracting of the lips, one is likely to develop unattractive furrows, commonly referred to as smoker's wrinkles. Surprisingly enough to a lot of individuals, wrinkles around the mouth can materialise as a consequence of... sipping drinks through a straw.

Does sipping through a straw induce wrinkles?

Smoker's wrinkles are facial lines caused by excessive use of the orbicularis oris muscle while smoking, playing wind instruments, or... sipping drinks through a straw. When one uses a straw, it necessitates the tension of the orbicular muscles, leading to the emergence of displeasing furrows around the mouth.

"The long-term consequence of frequent sipping through a straw and other activities causing the lips to contract is the manifestation of minute wrinkles in this area," explains cosmetic surgeon Lara L. Devgan in an interview with 'The Post'. The skin in the mouth region is akin to a sheet of paper — delicate, thin, and dry. Consistent contraction of lips makes the presence of furrows and wrinkles around the lips prominent, particularly as we age.

People in the United States have already discovered a solution to this issue. Stanley's Cups, a recent popular trend, has expanded its product line with the introduction of a distinctive wrinkle-preventing straw, targeted to discourage muscle contraction around the mouth. Could the anti-wrinkle straw actually prevent wrinkles? Theoretically, yes, but pragmatically, it merely decelerates the development of furrows.

Ways to eliminate wrinkles around mouth

The issue of wrinkles near the lips affects anyone who frequently tightens their lips. This implies that they could surface in a smoker, a person who frequently sips drinks through a straw, or even someone who often puckers their lips for pictures. Another aspect that might promote the development of wrinkles around the mouth is the lack of UV protection. Sun exposure speeds up the skin's aging process. Skin experts advise applying sunscreen to the face during all seasons, irrespective of the weather.

To eradicate wrinkles near the mouth, commence with appropriate skincare. Opt for skincare products rich in vitamins A, C, E, ferulic acid, ceramides, and retinol. These compounds enhance the smoothness of the skin and shrink the appearance of wrinkles. Nonetheless, if deep furrows have formed on your skin, mere skincare might not suffice. The only alternative could be to fill the wrinkles with botox or hyaluronic acid.

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