Newsslovak intelligence chief warns of threat to key infrastructure

slovak intelligence chief warns of threat to key infrastructure

The head of Slovak civilian intelligence, Pavol Gašpar, announced on Thursday a threat to critical infrastructure and the arrest of two Ukrainian citizens. However, Gašpar emphasised that the detainees are not necessarily linked to potential sabotage.

Pavol Gaszpar stated that the threat concerns, among other things, the energy sector - in the photo the Mochovce nuclear power plant.
Pavol Gaszpar stated that the threat concerns, among other things, the energy sector - in the photo the Mochovce nuclear power plant.
Images source: © Getty Images | Janos Kummer
ed. TOS

Following the meeting of the State Security Council, Pavol Gašpar stated that the threat concerns, among other things, the energy sector. He did not provide specific details about the threat itself.

Gašpar also added that the authorities have identified a person suspected of sending bomb threats to various institutions such as schools, universities, and courts since the spring. The authorities are convinced that the suspect is outside Slovakia’s borders.

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"At the intelligence level, we have observed prolonged activity from a particular group of people that shows signs of sophisticated intelligence activity and may pose a threat to security," Gašpar stated. He added that the group includes a Slovak with Hungarian citizenship, a Ukrainian citizen, and other individuals whose identities he did not wish to disclose.

Following the meeting of the State Security Council, the Minister of the Interior, Matúš Šutaj Eštok, announced that the protection of critical infrastructure in the country will be enhanced.

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