NewsSlovak PM Robert Fico criticizes Ukraine over massive gas transit losses

Slovak PM Robert Fico criticizes Ukraine over massive gas transit losses

The debate over Ukraine's decision to suspend the transit of Russian gas to Slovakia continues. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Robert Fico discussed his upcoming December visit to Moscow, stating that he would address a significant issue involving damages estimated at 1.5 billion euros. He attributed the damages to the actions of Ukraine's President and described them as ungrateful.

Storm in Slovakia. Fico finally spoke up.
Storm in Slovakia. Fico finally spoke up.
Images source: © East News | Mateus Bonomi
Maciej Zubel

In the video released on Wednesday, Fico expressed his dissatisfaction with Ukraine's decision to stop the transit of gas from Russia. - He stated that neither Slovakia nor the European Union are at war, we have no reason to tolerate Zelensky's adventures.

According to Fico, Ukraine's decision will result in financial losses for Slovakia, totalling 1.5 billion euros. Additionally, other European Union countries could lose up to 70 billion euros because of it.

The Slovak Prime Minister explained that he went to Moscow in December precisely because of this situation. "I needed to secure at a minimum gas for Slovakia's domestic consumption - which we have secure," Fico said.

Storm in Slovakia. Fico spoke up

The Slovak Prime Minister will meet in Brussels on Thursday with Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson. As he stated, "he wants to wake her up from a deep sleep"

Fico also criticised the opposition for announcing an extraordinary session of parliament regarding foreign policy directions and the confirmation by parliament of Slovakia's European choice. The Prime Minister announced that he would advise the ruling coalition deputies not to participate.

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