Solar farms: Generating power and boosting biodiversity
Photovoltaics, known for generating cheap and eco-friendly energy, also provide a less obvious but equally valuable benefit. Beyond producing "green" electricity, solar farms play an essential role in supporting biodiversity.
Renewable energy has many well-known advantages, including low energy production costs and minimal greenhouse gas emissions. However, the benefits of photovoltaics extend beyond these aspects. Citing data from RWE, photovoltaic farms create favourable conditions for developing various plant and animal species.
Solar farms support biodiversity
Various insects find shelter in areas occupied by photovoltaic installations. Thanks to stable environmental conditions, these insects can winter there. By colonising neighbouring fields and meadows, these insects support farmers by reducing pest populations. This mainly occurs because intensive farming practices are not conducted on photovoltaic farms, creating better living conditions for many species.
Plants and birds also benefit from the presence of photovoltaic farms. The vegetation in these areas resembles that found in natural meadows, with some exceptions. Birds see a safe space for nesting.
Photovoltaics and biodiversity - research
Research on biodiversity in photovoltaic farm areas is being conducted by scientists from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in cooperation with the German energy company RWE. Over 12 months, ten farms were studied where pro-ecological measures, such as introducing dead wood, biomass, and sand to create favourable conditions for insects, were implemented. Additionally, plants were planted along the fences. The study also included 12 standard farms and control areas.
Preliminary research results suggest that proper management of photovoltaic farms can promote biodiversity. Well-planned activities on large areas of solar farms can create favourable living conditions for many species of animals and plants, confirming that photovoltaics positively impact energy production and the natural environment.