EntertainmentStreamer IShowSpeed's KFC mishap leaves fans feasting

Streamer IShowSpeed's KFC mishap leaves fans feasting

The power of streamer IShowSpeed surprises many people. International companies use the influencer’s fame by sending him PR packages to promote their businesses. The latest shipment benefited not only IShowSpeed himself but also his fans.

IShowSpeed received a lifetime coupon for free food at KFC. The streamer made one mistake.
IShowSpeed received a lifetime coupon for free food at KFC. The streamer made one mistake.
Images source: © Youtube

Influencers' fame and influence have increased significantly over the past few years. Activity on social media, which was once treated as a hobby, now constitutes the main source of income for many internet creators. The biggest influencers lead lives similar to actors or singers. So, it's no wonder that marketers use this new form of product promotion and send "non-binding" PR packages in the hope that influencers will show their content and thus promote the product or company.

IShowSpeed received a lifetime code for free chicken

Besides visiting the most expensive restaurants, streamer IShowSpeed regularly orders the good old KFC. Chicken in the characteristic buckets occasionally appears on the influencer's streams. The fast-food giant has appreciated his love for the flagship dish and, in gratitude, sent IShowSpeed a lifetime code for free chicken.

The streamer opened the package from KFC on the stream, and its contents put him in true euphoria. Delighted with the lifetime free chicken, he started shouting and waving the coupon containing the secret code. Unfortunately, in his excitement, he inadvertently showed it to the camera, which a viewer quickly took advantage of.

Viewers feasted thanks to IShowSpeed

Showing the code for just a second was enough for hungry viewers of the stream to take the opportunity to order free food at KFC. According to some sources, the coupon is already void. There are also suggestions that the streamer intentionally increased his channel views and popularity.

Critics of the KFC package believe that it has a racist undertone. Fried chicken is culturally associated with being consumed by black people, so sending a lifetime code for free food to a black streamer is seen by some as perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

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