LifestyleSummer foot care: How vinegar can alleviate swelling and pain

Summer foot care: How vinegar can alleviate swelling and pain

In the summer, our feet are exposed to the intense effects of high temperatures, which often result in swelling and discomfort. Regular care using home methods can significantly improve their condition.

How to care for your feet on hot days?
How to care for your feet on hot days?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Summer is a time when our feet particularly suffer from swelling. High temperatures, prolonged standing, and inappropriate footwear cause water retention in the body, leading to swelling. It's worth noting that summer swelling can result from external and internal factors, such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, or thrombosis.

Vinegar can be used in the kitchen, during cleaning, and in natural foot care. Soaking the feet regularly in apple cider vinegar can help alleviate many ailments. Just spend 15 minutes a day for a week on this.

Usually, we associate vinegar with acidifying and marinating dishes. It is also often used in homemade cleaning products, mixed with bicarbonate of soda, for example, to clean drains. However, vinegar can also be used for body care, especially the feet. When our feet feel tired after a long day, it is worth bathing them in water with the addition of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar.

Foot bath with vinegar

To prepare such a bath, add a cup of vinegar to a bowl of warm water for every litre. You can also add a cup of sea salt and Epsom salt, which will soften the skin, and a few drops of essential oil, preferably lavender, which will help neutralise the strong smell of vinegar and provide additional relaxation. Soak your feet for 15 minutes daily for seven days.

Such a simple procedure is effective not only for fatigue but also for other problems. Soaking the feet in vinegar can help eliminate corns, reduce pain, and aid in treating cracked heels and thickened skin. With the addition of salt, vinegar also helps remove dead skin and soften it, after which it is worth applying a moisturising cream.

Vinegar in foot care - how does it work?

Vinegar is also effective in combating unpleasant foot odours, which is particularly useful in summer when sweating is more intense. It can also strengthen nails and help treat fungal infections. However, vinegar baths should not be used when there are irritations or wounds on the feet. In such cases, vinegar baths could do more harm than good.

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