TechSun sensors: The hidden tech improving your car's comfort

Sun sensors: The hidden tech improving your car's comfort

Are you wondering what that small, protruding element on your car's dashboard is for? It's a sensor that performs an essential function in the vehicle.

sunlight sensor photo:
sunlight sensor photo:

There are two types of car owners—those who care only about the car's functionality and gadget enthusiasts who change models to have the latest technological innovations. Regardless of your group, check if your vehicle has a small plastic point on the dashboard. It might completely change your driving experience.

Strange point on the dashboard

Car manufacturers constantly introduce new technological conveniences. Touchscreen dashboards, once the domain of luxury cars are now available even in budget models. However, many of us drive used vehicles at least a decade old. You might be surprised that even older models have features few people know about.

sunlight sensor photo.
sunlight sensor photo.

If you have a plastic, protruding button on your dashboard and don't know what it is for, it is most likely a vehicle sun sensor. It is positioned near the windscreen in most cars with dual-zone climate control. Its task is to "measure" the intensity of the sun's rays and adjust the air conditioning temperature to the outside conditions. But that's not all. The car's interior cools down faster and more efficiently thanks to such sensors.

How to activate the sun sensor?

The car's sun sensor operates continuously, sending temperature information to the air conditioning regardless of weather conditions. To use this function, ensure nothing is lying near the sensor. To function correctly, it must be completely uncovered.

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