EntertainmentSuri Cruise enters adulthood: New York strolls and future dreams

Suri Cruise enters adulthood: New York strolls and future dreams

Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York
Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York
Images source: © forum

A few weeks ago, Suri Cruise officially entered adulthood. The daughter of the famed acting couple decided to broaden her artistic horizons. As always, the fashionably styled teenager was spotted on the streets of New York in the company of a friend.

Last month, Suri Cruise celebrated her 18th birthday with her closest family and friends. Of course, her father was absent, as he last saw his daughter 12 years ago. With her reaching adulthood, Tom's obligation to pay child support ceases, saving him as much as $400,000 annually that was previously transferred to his ex-wife's account.

Suri now faces essential life choices. Having just finished high school, the young American has only recently shown interest in pursuing fashion design. However, she shares other creative passions as well, as evidenced by her return to learning to play the guitar.

The newly minted 18-year-old is frequently seen with her mother, from whom she inherited delicate looks. However, paparazzi in New York caught photos of her with a friend accompanying her to her music lessons this time. It's worth mentioning that as a little girl, she had already had the opportunity to try playing an instrument.

Suri Cruise dressed appropriately for the high temperatures prevailing across the ocean. She wore a white strapless top, black athletic shorts, and brown cowboy boots that day. The daughter of the acting duo complemented her outfit with a gold necklace.

Do you see a young Katie in her?

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Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York
Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York© forum | OBLN
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Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York
Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York© forum | OBLN
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Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York
Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York© forum | OBLN
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Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York
Suri Cruise with a guitar on the streets of New York© forum | OBLN

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