FoodSweet deception: How to make sugar-free bars your kids will love

Sweet deception: How to make sugar-free bars your kids will love

My youngest ones adore homemade bars, and let's face it, regardless of our best efforts, it's a challenge to keep kids away from sweets. Nevertheless, you can cleverly deceive their senses with something that mimics the look and taste of a shop-bought candy bar yet isn't laden with unhealthy sugars.

Homemade bars
Homemade bars
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Homemade sugar-free bars for kids? It might sound contradictory, but it's entirely doable. Instead of honey or white sugar, I opt for maple syrup. Though it's still a simple carbohydrate, it's a healthier alternative to white sugar. These bars are also suitable for those mindful of their waistlines.

Homemade sugar-free bars recipe


- 200g of almond flour or ground almonds,
- 3 tablespoons of cocoa,
- 2 tablespoons of maple syrup,
- 5 tablespoons of olive oil or canola oil.
- 8 tablespoons of peanut butter (e.g., homemade),
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil,
- 2 tablespoons of maple syrup,
- a pinch of salt,
- 100g of unsalted peanuts.
- 150g of dark chocolate,
- a splash of milk,
- optionally, favorite nuts for decoration.
1. Combine the almond flour with cocoa, maple syrup, and olive oil (or canola oil). Thoroughly mix and then line the bottom of a baking tray (pre-lined with paper) with the prepared dough.
2. Bake the base in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for about 10 minutes. Once finished, set aside to cool, then scatter peanuts over it.

3. warm the peanut butter, maple syrup, olive oil, and a pinch of salt in a saucepan. Stir the ingredients well. Pour the prepared salty caramel over the base and nuts. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

4. Next, prepare the topping by gently melting the chocolate with milk over very low heat until smooth.

5. Drizzle the cooled chocolate over the salty caramel, smoothing it with a spatula, and, if desired, sprinkle additional nuts on top. Chill in the fridge for 2 hours.
6. After chilling, cut the dessert into small bars.

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