EntertainmentTom Cruise's decade-long estrangement from daughter may end

Tom Cruise's decade-long estrangement from daughter may end

Tom Cruise has not spoken to his now-adult daughter for over a decade. An informant from an overseas service reveals that he is slowly considering renewing his bond with Suri. He would like them to belong to the same church.

Tom Cruise is thinking about renewing contact with his daughter
Tom Cruise is thinking about renewing contact with his daughter
Images source: © Getty Images

Suri Cruise is the child of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, who were married for six years. The couple divorced in 2012 and, at that time, had to make numerous decisions related to caring for their daughter, who was only six years old.

According to information obtained by foreign media, Tom Cruise consciously gave up contact with his daughter. Allegedly, as one of the most prominent Scientologists, he decided that it would be best for him to remain in the sect and cut off contact with his family. It is possible that after more than a decade, he may want to renew contact with Suri Cruise.

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Suri Cruise has officially entered adulthood. The 18-year-old recently graduated, and during the ceremonial diploma presentation, guests noticed that she had changed her last name to Suri Noel. This does not interfere with her father's vision of potentially renewing contact. According to the Daily Mail, he wants to unite them through faith.

I'm sure his master plan is to wait until Suri gets older. So that he can lure her into Scientology and away from her mother - an informant told the Daily Mail.

Tom Cruise and Suri Cruise
Tom Cruise and Suri Cruise© Getty Images | James Devaney
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise© Getty Images | 2023 Raymond Hall
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise© Getty Images | d
Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes
Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes© Getty Images | TheStewartofNY; TheStewartofNY

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