LifestyleToothpaste and citric acid: The affordable DIY toilet seat cleaner

Toothpaste and citric acid: The affordable DIY toilet seat cleaner

In stores, we can find various types of bathroom cleaning products, including toilet cleaners. We often struggle with limescale and yellow stains when cleaning them. But can they be cleaned without using harsh chemicals? It turns out that they can, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

The most effective way to clean a toilet seat is not expensive at all.
The most effective way to clean a toilet seat is not expensive at all.
Images source: © Pexels
Ewa Sas

The toilet seat is often white, making dirt visible as if it were right before our eyes. Moreover, removing it is not the most straightforward task. As we read in "Super Express," toilet seats are often made of stainless steel, plastic, or polypropylene in American homes. There are homemade ways to remove stains and limescale from them, which are inexpensive and can work even in 30 minutes.

Two ingredients and half an hour. That’s what you need to make a stained toilet seat shine like new

We often use the same detergents to clean the toilet seat as we do the entire toilet. But that's not the best way, as these stains on the toilet seat may not be tackled effectively.

Cleaning the toilet seat presents quite a challenge. Among ready-made chemical agents, we have to choose whether we want thorough cleaning or one that does not damage the delicate surface.

However, a homemade method is both practical and gentle on the surface. We need to use toothpaste—the cheapest, white kind. None of the black pastes with added charcoal will work here.

Mix the paste with citric acid and apply it to the stained toilet seat. The mixture should be left for at least half an hour, and then thoroughly scrub the seat and wipe it dry.

Thanks to its properties, citric acid perfectly removes yellow stains and limescale. It also has descaling properties and whitens, just like toothpaste. This inexpensive set will make the toilet seat shine like new.

Citric acid - not only for the kitchen but for the whole house

Citric acid was created as an additive to food and used only in the kitchen. However, over time, it has many uses and one crucial advantage—it is safe for humans and the environment.

Citric acid can also remove dirt from the bathtub or sink, help clean the microwave, and remove cup deposits or dishes. It can also describe the kettle, coffee machine, and dishwasher or washing machine.

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