FoodTransform your cabbage into a divine Napa Salad

Transform your cabbage into a divine Napa Salad

Do you have cabbage at home and don't know what to do with it? Discover the recipe for a Napa cabbage salad that is addictive from the first bite. The secret of this salad is a divine dressing reminiscent of French vinaigrette.
What sauce for a cabbage salad? Try this recipe.
What sauce for a cabbage salad? Try this recipe.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Wolfgang Mücke

Napa cabbage salad is a classic that never gets boring. It's tasty, inexpensive, healthy, and incredibly crunchy. You can prepare it in dozens of different ways, but most often, it's served in a sweet and sour version, just like in Chinese restaurants.

Feeling like trying a Napa cabbage salad? Try the recipe below, which will become a staple on your menu. Thanks to the special, creamy dressing, you haven't tasted anything this good.

What can you do with Napa cabbage?

Napa cabbage is an underrated vegetable that contains many valuable nutrients, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and folate. You can eat it without any guilt since there are only about 13 calories in 100 grams of cabbage.
What can you make with Napa cabbage? Due to its crunchiness, it's most commonly used in salads and slaws, but can also be used in warm dishes. Napa cabbage is great in stir-fry, curry, soups, one-pot meals, and even in sauerkraut dishes. It's easily digestible, so it can also be eaten by people dealing with indigestion or acidity.
However, the most popular dish made from this cabbage is a slaw in a sweet and sour sauce. If you're a fan of Napa cabbage, you must try the following recipe. You haven't tasted any slaw this good.

Napa cabbage slaw — Recipe


- half a head of Napa cabbage,
- 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt,
- 1 tablespoon of honey,
- 1 tablespoon of mustard,
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice,
- 1 carrot,
- salt and pepper to taste.


1. Wash and dry the cabbage, then shred it into thin strips. Transfer the cabbage to a large bowl and rub it with salt.

2. Wash the carrot, dry it, and cut it into thin sticks. Add it to the cabbage.

3. In a small bowl, combine the honey, mustard, Greek yogurt, and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

4. Pour the prepared dressing over the cabbage and toss everything together.
5. Refrigerate the salad for around 20 minutes before serving.
This slaw goes perfectly with meat and barbecue dishes. Try it out!

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