Ukrainian grandmother's dangerous recipe: Pins in pastries for Russian soldiers
A Ukrainian grandmother living in the Russian-occupied eastern part of the country came up with a cruel idea for the occupiers. She served Russian soldiers a cake with a "surprise," which could harm them. The cake was filled with pins and sharp objects.
Traditional baked goods prepared by Ukrainian elders are hard to resist. Russian soldiers tempted by one of the treats served by the residents of Starobilsk will likely change their minds. Why?
A unique photo has circulated on social media. It describes a situation that could have resulted in the death of several Russians. All because of the elderly woman's plan to serve them a cake with pins inside.
When the boys sat at the table and started breaking the cake with their hands, they found pins inside - we read on platform X.
The warning highlighted the need to stay vigilant in every situation, as you never know where danger lurks. The cake with pins was ultimately not eaten. This time, the Russians were lucky. Caution might result from numerous similar incidents that occurred during the war.
Russian soldiers ate "killer pastries." Eight died
In 2022, world media described the effects of eating "killer pastries." From a declassified (by Anton Herashchenko, advisor to the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs) telephone conversation between an enemy soldier and his girlfriend, it emerged that they were starving. One of the grandmothers took advantage of this.
Once, a grandmother fed us pastries and eight guys went home in zinc coffins - he complained, adding that she filled salty buns with poison.
Contrary to what they heard from commanders in Moscow, soldiers from Vladimir Putin's army are not welcomed there with open arms. Ukrainians have no mercy for enemies and fight them by all available means.
From the conversation cited by Anton Herashchenko, it appears that Ukrainians also have to contend with an increased crime problem, as Russian soldiers are looting shops and are practically unpunished in the occupied areas.