UK's first cassowary chick since 2021 hatches in gloucestershire
At the bird centre in Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire, staff have been attempting to breed cassowaries - giant, flightless birds - for 25 years. The chick hatched a few days ago is the fourth in Europe and the first in the United Kingdom to hatch since 2021.
The bird carers admit that seeing the chick was an exceptional moment. However, they will take the care of this little one very seriously.
Cassowaries have a reputation as one of the world’s most dangerous birds and their size, speed and power combined with their dagger-like, 10cm claws mean we have to take looking after them extremely seriously – says the bird carer, Alistair Keen, in an interview with the BBC.
The chick's parents are a male from Avifauna in Alphen, Netherlands, and a female from Frankfurt, Germany, who have been at the bird centre since 2012 and are part of the European Endangered Species Programme.
Cassowaries are unique birds. The male incubates the eggs for two months and then cares for the chicks, protecting them for up to 16 months.
Cassowaries - dangerous flightless birds. They can even kill a human
Cassowaries are related to emus. They are found in the tropical forests of New Guinea and northern Australia. They are considered dangerous due to their strong legs, sharp claws, and aggressive behaviour when threatened.
In 2019, in Florida, 75-year-old Marvin Hajos died after being attacked by his pet cassowary.