LifestyleUnveiling the secret function that prolongs your vacuum's life

Unveiling the secret function that prolongs your vacuum's life

Many of us are unaware of the purpose of the sliding hole located in the handle or tube of a vacuum cleaner. It turns out to be a highly useful feature that can save us from incurring additional costs related to equipment repairs.

The hole in the vacuum cleaner handle serves its important function.
The hole in the vacuum cleaner handle serves its important function.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Adobe

This hole might be unnecessary, but that is a mistaken assumption. It hasn't appeared there by chance. Designers placed it there for an important reason. This hole is a key element for the vacuum cleaner's proper functioning.

Hole in the vacuum cleaner tube. How to utilise its functionality?

The vacuum cleaner is an almost essential device in every home. It allows us to easily remove dust and other dirt from the floor. It also has other important functions—for example, for parents who use it to clear their children's nasal congestion.

Although more and more upright models or cleaning robots, which perform the cleaning process independently, are appearing on the market, classic bag models still enjoy great popularity. Usually, when using a vacuum cleaner, we don't think about the significance of its individual parts, which means that many of its functions remain undiscovered.

One of the less obvious elements of a vacuum cleaner is the hole in the handle. Its role is to protect against potential financial losses associated with possible repairs. How? Typically, every vacuum cleaner is equipped with this hole, which can be easily opened or closed with a sliding cover. Although many believe it serves to adjust the suction power, its true purpose is different.

Little-known function of the hole in the vacuum cleaner tube. Helps save a lot

It is a simple mechanism that protects the equipment from damage. It is worth opening this hole if the device clogs due to the vacuumed debris. It also helps protect the motor from overheating. If a larger object gets into the tube that could cause damage, the solution is simple — opening the flap immediately reduces pressure and cools the interior.

After opening the hole, it is advisable to turn off the vacuum cleaner and then remove the obstruction. This knowledge is extremely useful and helps prevent costly repairs or purchasing a new vacuum cleaner. Larger objects entering the device often lead to serious damage. Importantly, repair costs can often exceed the value of the device.

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