NewsVillage plea: Olgovka residents urge Putin to end the war

Village plea: Olgovka residents urge Putin to end the war

The residents of the village of Olgovka in the Kursk region, occupied in August by Ukrainian forces, have decided to send a special message to Vladimir Putin. In a recorded video, they appeal to the Russian president to "end this cursed war."

Residents have issued an appeal to Putin  
Residents have issued an appeal to Putin (MIKHAIL METZEL / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL)
Images source: © PAP
ed. ALW

The village of Olgovka, located in the Kursk region, was one of the areas taken over by the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the beginning of August 2024.

According to the residents' accounts, no evacuation was organised there, just as in the other 22 surrounding localities in the Kursk region. They were forced to flee from shelling, attempting to find temporary refuge in other villages in the Kursk region or in the city of Kursk itself.

They ask Putin to end the war

As reported by the Russian portal, Ukrainian troops entered the village of Olgovka during an offensive in the Kursk region on 8 August 2024. The area returned to the control of Russian forces more than two months later, on 16 October.

Now, about 40 residents have decided to make a special appeal to Vladimir Putin. In the recording, they ask the President of Russia to "end this cursed war." The video quickly spread on social media.

"We've been in hell for three months"

The individuals in the video state that, with the onset of the Ukrainian offensive, they lost everything, including their usual place of residence, often leaving with only what they could carry. Now, among other things, they need to allocate additional financial resources to repurchase household appliances or clothing, as well as to obtain new documents. They lack assistance from the authorities and often face limited employment opportunities. According to them, rebuilding the village will take at least five years.

Currently, many former residents of Olgovka live in Kursk and are afraid to return to their village, even though it is back in Russian hands. Shelling continues there, and exchanges of fire occur nearby.

- We've been in hell for three months; where can we turn, where can we find salvation? We ask for an end to this cursed war, which has claimed many innocent lives. We want our children to see peaceful skies and not hear information about "missile threats" - one of the men can be heard saying in the appeal.

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