EntertainmentYouTube adopts Netflix model: New features set to transform platform

YouTube adopts Netflix model: New features set to transform platform

YouTube's owners wish to make the platform as efficient and enjoyable as possible. They have announced a forthcoming change. The app will soon operate similarly to one of the most popular streaming platforms.

YouTube like Netflix?
YouTube like Netflix?
Images source: © Canva

YouTube is one of the world's most popular apps. Every day, millions of people globally use it. Due to technological advancements, the platform has become a source of income for individuals who can create compelling content that attracts an audience.

As technologies and various applications continue to evolve, the YouTube platform does not want to lag. That's why its owners have announced changes that will be implemented. This ensures that creators and viewers keep returning to YouTube and watching the shared content. According to the announcement, the platform will resemble Netflix.

YouTube like Netflix? changes are coming to the platform

The owners of YouTube understand that videos on their platform are increasingly viewed on computers, phones, and TVs. Hence, they decided they needed to do everything to make the app resemble the well-known media company that owns the VOD service Netflix. They plan to introduce new features such as seasons and episodes.

This solution will allow creators to divide their content into 'seasons' and 'episodes,' making it easier for viewers to access specific content parts. The owners of YouTube promise that everything will be easily accessible, and the new feature will be usable with a TV remote. This seems inspired by the streaming platform Netflix. Everything is in one place, arranged sequentially. Who knows, it might work.

New YouTube features
New YouTube features© Press materials

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