TechAdjust your home: Optimise window settings for summer comfort

Adjust your home: Optimise window settings for summer comfort

Not everyone realizes that the windows in our homes have two different modes of operation: winter and summer. After installation, the windows are set to universal mode by default. However, it is worth adjusting the window mode to the current season, which has many benefits. How do you do this?

Adjust your home: Optimise window settings for summer comfort

In summer, high temperatures can be bothersome, but a slight change in the window settings can significantly improve comfort in the home. There is a screw in the window frame that allows you to adjust the airflow. Switching the window mode takes only a few minutes, and the effects are felt immediately.

How to switch the window to summer mode?

There are hidden screws in the window frame that are shaped like a circle or hexagon. There are markings on their edges: a line or a dot. The position of these marks indicates the mode of the window. If the line is set parallel to the ground and the dot is near the seal, the window is in winter mode. Turning the screw halfway switches the window to summer mode.

Why is it worth switching windows to summer mode?

Switching to summer window mode has several advantages. Firstly, we can increase the amount of fresh air that enters the room through the gaps in the window. Regular ventilation helps maintain the right temperature and humidity in the home, neutralizes unpleasant odours, and supports brain function.

Additionally, ventilation reduces the risk of mould and mildew growth, which can cause allergies. Air circulation also helps remove settled dust. It is recommended that rooms where we sleep and work be ventilated frequently to improve our well-being. During hot weather, the summer mode minimizes room heating and the impact of solar radiation, so we do not have to open the windows wide—it is enough to slightly unseal them.

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