TechAI revolution: Reviving voices of the past and reshaping futures

AI revolution: Reviving voices of the past and reshaping futures

New technologies are enabling us to achieve things that, just a few years ago, were in the realm of science fiction. Today, with artificial intelligence, we can "bring to life" deceased individuals by recreating their images or listening to their voices.

Thanks to AI, this woman "spoke" at her own funeral.
Thanks to AI, this woman "spoke" at her own funeral.
Images source: © Youtube | Marina H. Smith Foundation
Sebastian Barysz

Artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful topic. From the popular tool ChatGPT to image and video generators and entire sets of digital tools such as Nvidia ACE (Avatar Cloud Engine), AI is transforming our perception of the world. The nature of work is also changing, as more industries begin to incorporate artificial intelligence.

There are many more controversies related to AI. It is worth recalling that in 2023, there was a significant scandal in Germany after the editor-in-chief of "Die Aktuelle"—Anne Hoffmann—published an "interview" with Michael Schumacher. The AI-generated statements of the racing champion ultimately led to the journalist's immediate dismissal. Michael Schumacher, of course, is alive, but he has not given interviews or met with fans for over 10 years due to a brain injury.

Artificial intelligence "resurrects" the dead

Will we see a time when we can talk to a deceased person at their funeral? It is already happening. Funeral technology has allowed this for several years. One intriguing tool is an artificial intelligence named StoryFile, which enabled Marina Smith to "speak" at her own funeral, as captured on video.

How was this achieved? Before her passing, she recorded many hours of her life stories. This content was captured by 20 cameras, allowing the StoryFile algorithm to create a posthumous digital version of Marina Smith. The solutions used here are not the most advanced, as the task of StoryFile's AI was to understand questions asked by mourners and find answers in the recordings left by her. Thus, it is not a so-called deepfake.

Do you play "Cyberpunk 2077"? You might not know one thing

Another testament to the "resurrecting" capabilities of artificial intelligence is the narrative expansion for the game "Cyberpunk 2077," titled "Phantom Liberty." The creators at CD Projekt Red decided to use AI to develop new dialogues for the character Viktor Vector.

AI recreates historical figures and extinct animals

Internet users are buzzing with unusual ideas, bringing popular memes, among other things, to life. AI tools can successfully "revive" historical figures. With just a graphic file, the process is almost automatic. The results are astonishing.

A similar technique is used to recreate the appearance of extinct animals. Artificial intelligence handles this task with surprising accuracy, as evidenced by a video depicting a dinosaur.

Artificial intelligence is being developed steadily, and what we see now is likely just the early stages of a revolution. Despite its many advantages, the threats associated with AI cannot be ignored. Scammers eagerly use artificial intelligence to achieve their aims. Education and staying current with technological advancements are crucial in this area.

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