TechAir pollution's silent threat to children's cognitive health

Air pollution's silent threat to children's cognitive health

Certain types of air pollution can have a significant impact on learning and memory problems in children. Ammonium nitrate, in particular, is associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia in adults.

Students may have trouble learning.
Students may have trouble learning.
Images source: © Pixabay | Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto
ed. KLT

New research by scientists from the University of Southern California has demonstrated that some forms of air pollution, including those linked to agriculture, notably negatively impact children's cognitive functions. Furthermore, they increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia in adults.

The latest findings, published in the journal "Environmental Health Perspectives", highlight the harmful effects of ammonium nitrate—a substance primarily associated with agriculture and livestock farming. Scientists analyzed data from 8,500 children aged nine and ten to examine the impact of particulate matter (PM2.5) on brain development.

Air pollution hinders learning

These fine particles, which consist of dust, soot, organic compounds, and metals, can penetrate the lungs and enter the bloodstream and brain, breaching the blood-brain barrier. Their presence in children’s bodies is linked to negative consequences.

Although the largest source of PM2.5 is the combustion of fossil fuels, especially in urban areas, significant contributions also come from wildfires, sea aerosols, chemical reactions, and agricultural activities. Researchers employed advanced statistical techniques to examine the 15 chemical components of PM2.5 and their sources. They found that various types of air pollution can affect the brain to different extents, with ammonium nitrate identified as the primary factor negatively impacting cognitive functions.

"Regardless of whether we studied it separately or together with other pollutants, it was consistently associated with poorer academic performance and memory," stated Dr. Megan Herting, the publication's lead author. She suggests that while PM2.5's overall harmfulness is significant, certain compounds within this mixture pose greater threats to humans than others.

The study authors stressed the importance of more detailed analyses of the sources of particulate matter and their chemical components. Understanding these nuances is crucial for establishing air quality regulations and comprehending the long-term neurocognitive effects, according to them.

In conclusion, the researchers indicated that PM2.5 can cause neurocognitive effects that persist throughout life. They believe this knowledge should prompt a reevaluation of air quality regulations to safeguard future generations from the adverse impact of pollution.

The impact of agriculture on air pollution

While research shows that ammonium nitrate, used in agriculture as a fertilizer, is particularly harmful to children's brains, the agricultural sector's contribution to PM2.5 emissions is relatively small. According to the Ministry of Agriculture's website, a report by KOBiZE from 2020 estimated that PM2.5 emissions from agriculture in 2018 accounted for 2.4% of total emissions.

Prof. Dr. Eugeniusz R. Grela from the Department of Bromatology and Physiology of Nutrition at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin recently commented on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. He acknowledged that agriculture emits significant amounts of these substances, but the issue is complex.

"It's worth remembering that methane from livestock production may degrade faster in the environment compared to fossil fuel methane. The duration of methane from livestock production is significantly shorter, around ten years, opposed to fossil fuel methane, which can take up to 100 years to break down," emphasized Prof. Grela.

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