EntertainmentAriana Grande's figure sparks health debate amid 'Wicked' promo

Ariana Grande's figure sparks health debate amid 'Wicked' promo

Ariana Grande is in the midst of an intensive promotion for "Wicked," in which she plays one of the lead roles. However, more often, the focus is not on the movie but on her slim figure. Fans are clearly worried, and one tabloid sought advice from specialists.

Fans are concerned about Ariana Grande's health. Experts were asked.
Fans are concerned about Ariana Grande's health. Experts were asked.
Images source: © Getty Images

It has long been known that Hollywood harbours many unhealthy obsessions, including the constant pursuit of unrealistic beauty ideals. This is the case for Ariana Grande, but it’s not about plastic surgeries, which we have become accustomed to in the world of ubiquitous tweaks and Instagram filters. Rather, it's about the artist's slim figure. Although she has always been petite, some internet users find her recent photos alarming.

Fans are worried about Ariana Grande. Meanwhile, a tabloid asked experts about the issue

Fans of Ariana's talent are openly concerned and wonder if she's okay. Meanwhile, the Daily Mail website "kindly" took it further and asked experts about her figure. As is often the case with tabloid diagnoses "from afar," the conclusions can be quite extreme. For example, Dr. Dennis Schimpf, a plastic surgeon, claims that her vegan diet might be to blame.

Vegan diets do tend to have issues with protein which causes muscle wasting. Often, people who are strict vegans have to take significant protein supplements or add protein powders to their smoothies, he explained.

At the same time, as the tabloid reported, experts do not rule out that the weight loss could be due to the stress associated with the intense film promotion or the use of the now-trendy Ozempic among celebrities. Schimpf also wanted to examine Ariana's face, but he encountered a problem, making a thorough analysis impossible.

"Pale skin can [also] be indicative of nutritional stress, although, honestly, it is really hard to assess in these celebrities. They're not ever photographed completely untouched or without make-up or bronzer or some kind of concealer on their skin." Dr. Schimpf said.

One expert's opinion was not enough, so another plastic surgeon, Dr. Michael Salzhauer, also known as "Dr. Miami," was consulted. He disagrees with his colleague’s claim that veganism is to blame and points out yet another issue.

"I don't think it's veganism per se," he said, according to DailyMail, "because I know some larger vegans — so I do wonder whether there is something else going on. The recent picture I saw of her online, she does look, I would say, "scary thin", and you know that is concerning as a doctor. If you look in her temple region (the area on the side of the head between the forehead and the ear), you can see it is hollowed out in Ariana, which happens when you have malnutrition or wasting. It is concerning when you see that."

Expert number three, Dr. David Shokrian, also a plastic surgeon, focused on the Ozempic issue.

"It doesn't have to be Ozempic, it could be natural weight loss, but the speed that it happened... It is just more difficult when you are already thin to become even thinner in that amount of time without a real change in diet and exercise routine," the expert stated. "In Ozempic, you see these dramatic shifts in a short amount of time," he added.

So many experts, yet only Ariana knows the truth, and that’s how it should remain. Do any of the celebrity doctors' "diagnoses" convince you?

Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande© Getty Images | XNY/Star Max
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande© Getty Images | John Nacion
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande© Getty Images | 2024 Lia Toby

Source: Daily Mail

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