LifestyleAvoid these common mistakes with Teflon frying pans

Avoid these common mistakes with Teflon frying pans

Most people have probably taken on the chef role in their own kitchen at some point. However, during frying, we sometimes make mistakes that can affect the taste of our dishes and, more importantly, our health. Discover what you should never do when using a frying pan.

Mistakes to Avoid While Frying
Mistakes to Avoid While Frying
Images source: © Getty Images | Vera_Petrunina

Almost every home has at least one Teflon frying pan. Although it seems like a durable utensil, it is quite delicate. When using it, we should be careful. Cooking on a pan can damage it, making it unusable. Pay attention to these mistakes while frying to save money and health.

Never use a Teflon pan this way

Using a pan improperly leads to damage and an unsightly appearance and can also harm our health if the Teflon coating is destroyed. A worn layer can lead to chemical reactions when heated, releasing toxic substances. Additionally, improper use can result in our dish containing pieces of Teflon, something we certainly don't want.

One common mistake is using metal utensils to stir or flip while frying. This is the worst thing we can do to our pan, as it scratches and wears off the Teflon. We should always use wooden kitchen tools.

Another mistake is how we wash the pans. Never pour cold water over a hot pan immediately after frying, as the temperature difference can destroy the coating and cause deformation. Always wait for it to cool before washing it by hand. Putting it in the dishwasher can weaken and wear out the Teflon.

How to properly clean a Teflon pan?

Now that we know pan washing should be done by hand, it's also important to know how to do it correctly. Harsh sponges, brushes, or scouring pads are a no-go, as they can damage and wear down the Teflon coating.

Instead, choose a sponge with a soft texture that won't harm the delicate surface. Blot the sponge with a cloth or paper towel to remove excess water. If possible, let it air dry.

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