EntertainmentBianca Censori risks legal repercussions for public indecency

Bianca Censori risks legal repercussions for public indecency

Bianca Censori provokes with skimpy outfits whenever she steps out with her husband. This time, however, she has gone too far. The woman faces severe legal consequences for nearly exposing her entire chest in a public place.

Kanye West and Bianca Censori
Kanye West and Bianca Censori
Images source: © Getty Images | Swan Gallet
Kamil Kozłowski

Kanye West has earned a reputation as one of the leading provocateurs in American pop culture. The rapper seems to have grown tired of causing a stir alone, so for the past few months, during any public appearances, he has been entertaining himself at the expense of his 18-years-younger wife. While he hides his face under masks and hoods, Bianca Censori flaunts her nudity in barely-covering outfits, leaving little to the imagination.

The 29-year-old designer of the Yeezy footwear line has crossed all fashion boundaries. Photographers, who never leave her side, captured her on her way to a tanning salon in California. The Australian posed in the middle of the street in a transparent mesh top that completely exposed her ample chest. This stunt could cost her dearly.

Will Bianca Censori serve time in prison?

West's eccentric wife has already accustomed everyone to her bold outfits. However, she did not consider the legal system in the state of California. According to section 314 of the California Penal Code, exposing intimate parts in a public place where someone could feel offended or shocked is equivalent to committing a crime.

If the matter is taken to court, it will likely be treated as a misdemeanor. A mitigating circumstance for the celebrity will be her lack of prior convictions. Otherwise, Bianca Censori would receive the maximum penalty of 6 months' imprisonment, a fine of up to $1,000, and official registration as a sex offender.

Bianca's fashion choices (or her husband's lack of common sense) are increasingly backfiring on them. The couple's Saturday trip to a restaurant serving grilled dishes ended with an official ban. The owners were shocked by the 29-year-old's indecent attire. In their statement, they informed that Kanye West and his wife would no longer be allowed to enter the establishment to protect their customers and their children.

Do you think this will make them reflect?

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Bianca Censori© Getty Images | 2024 Arnold Jerocki

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