EntertainmentBrazilian influencer's fatal cosmetic surgery raises safety concerns

Brazilian influencer's fatal cosmetic surgery raises safety concerns

A Brazilian influencer has left behind two teenage children. The woman wanted to have bigger buttocks and to achieve this; she underwent a risky BBL procedure. Ten days after the surgery, the woman passed away, as reported by her family.

An influencer died after a buttock augmentation surgery.
An influencer died after a buttock augmentation surgery.
Images source: © Instagram: linefrreira | Instagram: linefrreira

The popularity of plastic surgery continues to rise. Some countries are becoming hotspots for those wanting to improve their appearance. In Turkey, getting hair, nose, and teeth procedures is popular, while in Asia, facial corrections are a common choice. More and more companies are offering a full range of services as part of medical tourism, from booking flights and hotels to hiring translators and scheduling medical consultations, all the way to surgery. However, not all procedures end happily. Some clients complain of deformities, while others pay for beauty with their lifes.

Brazilian influencer dies after buttock surgery

Aline Maria Ferreira da Silva was 33 years old. Almost 54,000 people follow the woman's Instagram account. The influencer dreamed of having bigger buttocks. To achieve this, she underwent a BBL procedure on June 22, 2024, which is considered exceptionally dangerous in medical circles. The influencer's family reported that around 30 millilitres of polymethyl methacrylate was injected into each of her buttocks. The Food and Drug Administration does not approve this substance in the U.S. because it is considered dangerous. Despite this, some plastic surgeons still use it on their patients.

The day after the procedure, the woman felt very ill. The influencer had a high fever, but the medical staff at the hospital her husband took her to stated that her health condition was "normal." Aline received only antipyretics. On June 29, she was admitted to the hospital again, this time in critical condition. The influencer complained of severe abdominal pain and dizziness. Despite the doctors' efforts, Aline Maria Ferreira da Silva died on July 2, 2024. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Influencer’s mother seeks justice

The deceased woman's mother admitted that her daughter had complete trust in the clinic where the procedure was performed. Previously, Aline had improved her eyes, lips, and nose at the same place. In an interview with "The Sun," the grieving woman said: "I want justice; justice must be served."

An investigation into the plastic surgery clinic is ongoing. The police have detained its director because the facility was reportedly not registered to perform such procedures.

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