EntertainmentBrutal encounter: Swimmer survives sturgeon attack in China

Brutal encounter: Swimmer survives sturgeon attack in China

The video from a Chinese aquarium is creating a buzz on social media. You won't believe it until you see it for yourself.

Such things only in China? A gigantic fish bit a mermaid
Such things only in China? A gigantic fish bit a mermaid
Images source: © TikTok

Seas and oceans naturally evoke fear in people. The deep, dark, and unexplored rightly cause anxiety—similar to the creatures that inhabit them. Not only do sharks with massive teeth, but also orcas, stonefish, and sea snakes contribute to this fear.

The footage that surfaced online serves as a perfect warning against aquatic creatures. The video captures the moment when a giant sturgeon attacks a Russian synchronized swimmer identified as 22-year-old Masha.

This terrifying incident occurred in China, specifically at the aquarium in Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park. It unfolded in front of shocked visitors, including children.

Dantesque scenes: mermaid in the fish's jaws

Masha was performing at the Chinese aquarium dressed as a mermaid. Unexpectedly, she was attacked by a large sturgeon. The fish grabbed her by the head, nearly encompassing her entire head in its large jaws. The swimmer managed to free herself from the predator. The sturgeon took her goggles, but Masha was able to swim to the surface on her own strength.

Russian media published photos of her bruised face. Masha suffered extensive head, neck, and eye injuries. Unofficial reports say that the performance organizer offered her financial compensation (approximately 130 Canadian dollars). The video was never intended to be shared online.

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