TechBumblebees awaken early: Climate change's latest victim

Bumblebees awaken early: Climate change's latest victim

Bumblebees have awakened from their winter hibernation earlier than usual, due to climate change and a mild winter, according to ecologists from the Buglife organization. Unfortunately, the population of these crucial insects is declining globally.

Bombus terrestris - earth bumblebee
Bombus terrestris - earth bumblebee
Images source: © Wikimedia Commons
Amanda Grzmiel

Significant pollinators, such as bees and bumblebees, typically enter hibernation from winter to spring. However, some have already awakened. Bumblebees have begun nesting in the middle of winter due to climate change, say ecologists from the nonprofit organization Buglife, as cited by BBC. Naturalists report observing active bumblebee workers in Aberdeen, Scotland, and the Highlands during recent mild winter weather conditions.

Bumblebees that have begun nesting may not survive until spring

Naturalists highlight that bumblebee nests are at particular risk of destruction due to a lack of available flowers and the potential return of cold temperatures. As Paul Hetherington from the Buglife organization noted, quoted by the BBC, the presence of active workers indicates that not only have the queens awakened from hibernation, but they have also started building new nests.

He adds that at least two of the 25 British bumblebee species may have started nest-building earlier. The ecological organization also indicated that previous studies confirmed the presence of bumblebees and honeybees between Christmas and New Year's in various regions of the United Kingdom, including the Scottish Highlands.

The role of bees and bumblebees is invaluable for human survival

Ecologists suggest that climate change is contributing to the global decline of bumblebee and bee populations, which are essential pollinators, typically hibernating from winter to spring. It's important to remember that these pollinators are critical for producing one-third of the world's food, as bees and bumblebees pollinate up to 77 percent of plant species that form the basis of plant-based food production. Their role is therefore invaluable for human survival. Without their assistance, legume plants (e.g., beans, peas, broad beans), or fruits like apple trees, raspberries, strawberries, as well as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, popular on our plates, will not blossom.

Specialists warn that the disappearance of bees could lead to the extinction of humans just four years after their demise. UN data shows that insect pollination is necessary for 84 percent of the 264 plant species cultivated in Europe, with 90 percent being pollinated exclusively by bees and bumblebees. During the summer, pollinators that act as workers have a lifespan of barely 40 days, producing only 0.1 millilitres of honey in that time.

Unfortunately, the population of these vital insects is declining worldwide with the changing climate. Experts point to a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), which dramatically impacts the extinction of entire bee families. Currently, the reduction in the number of insect pollinators is causing significant losses in the production and medical sectors, as well as bringing adverse consequences for the natural environment.

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