NewsChina's new maritime strategy: Barges signal Taiwan's ambitions

China's new maritime strategy: Barges signal Taiwan's ambitions

China is actively developing a fleet of special barges that could be used for an assault on Taiwan. New units observed at the Guangzhou shipyard have long road bridges, indicating their potential use in landing operations.

In the photo, the Type 052D Luyang III destroyer. In the frame, new T-LPT type barges.
In the photo, the Type 052D Luyang III destroyer. In the frame, new T-LPT type barges.
Images source: © Wikimedia Commons | 海防先锋
Przemysław Ciszak

At the Guangzhou shipyard in southern China, the construction of at least three, possibly five or more, special barges was observed. These units, equipped with long road bridges, could be crucial in future landing operations on the Taiwanese islands, reports the "Naval News" portal.

These barges have bridges over 120 metres long, allowing them to reach coastal roads or hard surfaces beyond beaches. The stern features an open platform for docking other ships and unloading. Some of the barges are equipped with stabilizing columns even in challenging weather conditions.

China's growing maritime ambitions

China is intensifying its maritime ambitions by developing a fleet to dominate the Pacific. Recently, the world's most significant Type 076 landing ship was launched, highlighting China's increasing maritime power.

This ship, equipped with modern systems, can carry up to 1,000 soldiers, symbolizing Beijing's aspirations to surpass the USA as a global leader.

Dr. Emma Salisbury from the Council on Geostrategy, quoted by the Naval News portal, acknowledges that an invasion of Taiwan would require many ships to transport equipment and personnel rapidly. New barges could be part of the preparations for such an operation, enabling landings in places previously considered unsuitable.

China is investing significant resources in technological development and fleet expansion, aiming to take control of Taiwan. Currently, the Chinese navy is larger than the US fleet, highlighting Beijing's ambitions.

China strives to catch up with and surpass the West, challenging the global order. To strengthen its maritime forces, China could build new barges, enabling landings in previously considered unsuitable places.

Taiwan strengthens its defense forces

Taiwan has begun comprehensive Han Kuang military exercises in response to growing tensions with China. These exercises aim to test the effectiveness of critical infrastructure and communication systems' defence in the event of a Chinese blockade.

This year, the focus was realistically replicating the battlefield rather than demonstrative maneuvers. Damien Symon, a defence analyst, notes that the new barges have been adapted to cooperate with the Chinese RORO ferry fleet, capable of transporting heavy military vehicles.

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