NewsClimate activists halt flights at Munich Airport in radical protest

Climate activists halt flights at Munich Airport in radical protest

Activists from around the world are doing everything to draw governments' attention to the climate crisis. Peaceful protests, events, and urban infrastructure blockades are becoming commonplace. These actions, conventional and otherwise, share one goal: to halt the ecological disaster.

The Last Generation in action. Activists disrupted airport operations.
The Last Generation in action. Activists disrupted airport operations.
Images source: © Instagram

The climate situation in the world is alarming. Although opponents believe that environmentalists are exaggerating, it is impossible to ignore the continuous warming of the Earth. The effects of global warming are visible to the naked eye - a species of ticks, previously living on savannas and prairies in Africa and Asia, has now reached Europe. The annual fires caused by drought no longer surprise anyone. Climate activists are relentlessly trying to draw leaders' attention to this pressing issue, which has a real impact on the future of subsequent generations.

Climate activists glue themselves to airport tarmac

Activists from Last Generation are known for their radical actions. The group unites climate activists from around the world. Last Generation has already organized numerous actions, such as disrupting concerts in philharmonics and gluing themselves to roads and airports.

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, activists from the German branch of Last Generation triggered a blockade at Munich Airport. Six activists glued themselves to several spots on the airport tarmac to block the entire facility. The action aimed to remind the German authorities of the negative impact that air transport has on the environment.

Flight tickets cheaper than train tickets?

The entire action was covered by Last Generation on social media. The activists emphasize that the government is not doing enough to combat the climate crisis. According to them, the fact that plane tickets are cheaper than train tickets is a failure. "It's absurd that people can afford flights but not train journeys. The responsibility for this situation lies with the government," wrote Last Generation on X. Airport staff immediately called the police, who started the process of removing the activists from the airport tarmac. Ultimately, the officers arrested six people.

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